After a full summer in the community, we wanted to take this #Moe123Monday to welcome our new followers and friends.
We loved chatting with the community at both Tater Daze and Maple Grove Days. This past weekend, one community member asked a few follow-up questions that we feel tap into the core of what we do and why. They didn't simply want to know how much money we've raised, but rather "Who are you and what do you provide?"
So important!
The Moe123 Scholarship Fund is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt scholarship fund awarded annually to exemplary community scholars.
The idea to create a scholarship fund is woven into a tough year full of loss, grief, love, and new normals. We lost our brother, Mostafa Sarim, tragically due to complications of the flu. He was just 41 years old. In the days following his death, we had the opportunity to peer deeper into his life and what was incredibly clear was his love for education.

Mostafa kept every report card, assignment, essay, and award from his time as a student. Each item meant so much more knowing how much pride he had. What began as an idea to donate to education in Mostafa's name quickly became something bigger, something lasting, and something to build on in his honor -- Moe123.
What better way to build than through the higher education dreams of students in the community in which we all grew up?
We worked within our community and directly with Park Center Senior High, our alma mater, to help provide scholarship funds to students at Park Center. "Scholarship fund" encompasses financial assistance, but it's about so much more than that. It's about recognizing the passion and tenacity of the students who applied, honoring their stories, seeing the journey they've already been on for some time, and commending their hard work and overcoming numerous challenges to succeed.
With the community's support, we raised $25,000 in 2018. Each of our five Moe123 Scholars was awarded $5,000 each for their college journeys. Seeing their college journeys and dreams unfold in real time and being able to support them along the way? That's our why. And we're honored to be a part of it.
For 2019, we've opened up the Moe123 Scholarship Fund to high school seniors across the Osseo 279 School District for Park Center Senior High, Osseo Senior High, and Maple Grove Senior High. Direct your students to their Career Resource Centers this upcoming school year for application requirements and more information.
Thanks to the community for engaging us in meaningful conversation and for welcoming our mission with open arms. Please reach out to us if you have any questions including how you can be a part of it all! We couldn't do it without your support.